Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is a disorder of the eye in which the retina peels away from its underlying layer of support tissue. Initial detachment may be localized, but without rapid treatment the entire retina may detach, leading to vision loss and blindness. Symptoms is flashing lights in the corner of the eye. Large numbers of dark spots in the field of vision. If large area of the retina has become detached, you may see cloudy ring or a black area across your field of vision.

Causes: Separation of the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye from the supporting tissues underneath occurs. In this disorder, part of the retina peels away from the underlying tissue. Without rapid treatment, partial blindness can result. See an ophthalmologist. This condition is more common over the age of 50. this sometimes runs in families. Participating in sports can cause a blow to the eye. Severe nearsightedness can also cause this condition.

A small tear occurs, permitting fuild to leak through and increase the separation.

Natural remedies for retinal detachment:

  • Contact an optometrist. He is able to test for retinal detachment.
  • In some instances, there is only slight flashes of light in the corners of your eye; yet the doctor may not see retinal detachment. In such instances, eat an extremely nourishing diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, plus a full multivitamin supplement; and the flashes of light may subside. But when in doubt, consult an optometrist for another checkup.


Scotoma is an area or impairment of visual acuity surrounded by a field of normal or relatively well-preserved vision. The person seems to see one or more "spots" in front of the eyes. The presence of the scotoma can be demonstrated subjectively by covering one eye, carefully holding fixation with the open eye, and placing an object (such as your thumb) in the lateral and horizontal visual field, about 15 degrees from fixation (see the blind spot article).

Causes: An unnatural blind spot (scotoma). existing on the retina is not transmitting any light through the optic nerve to the brain. When there is more than one blind spot, they are called scotomas.

Natural remedies for scotoma:

  • Increase the amount of vitamin A in the diet. Decidedly improve the diet Throw out all junk and processed food. Obtain adequate rest at night.


Floaters are deposits of various size, shape, consistency, refractive index, and motility within the eye's vitreous humour, which is normally transparent. Symptoms shows small speck, know as floaters, that appear to float in the field of vision. They are especially seen in a well-lit room or outdoors on a bright day.

Causes: These are fragments of tissue in the jelly like vitreous humor that fills the "ball" of the eye. They cast shadows on the retina. Any eye movement causes them to move rapidly. But, when the eyes are still, they drift slowly.

If they appear suddenly, or in large numbers, consult your eye doctor. This may indicate separation of the retina from its underlying tissue (retinal detachment) or a leakage of blood into the vitreous humor (vitreous hemorrhage). I you also see light flashes in the corners of your eyes, be sure and see an eye doctor.

Occasionally, floaters clump into long, stringy strands. If this occurs, the cause may be fibrillar degeneration of the vitrous, which results from excessive exposure to sunlight.

Natural remedies for floaters:

  • Take bioflavonoids (500 mg, daily) and vitamin K (100 mcg, 2 times daily). Vitamin A (500 IU) and E (400 IU) will help remove lens particles. Also pantothenic acid (500 mg), B6 (250 mg), and vitamin C (2,000 mg).
  • Drink carrot juice and eat green and yellow vegetables.
  • Drink dandelion root tea and use as an eyewash.


Cataract is a clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope, varying in degree from slight to complete opacity and obstructing the passage of light. The lens of the eye become clouded, so that the eye is unable to properly focus on objects. In advanced cases, the lens is becoming opaque, so that blindness is setting in. Only part of the eye is generally cloudy or opaque; but this can gradually extend to the entire eye.

Causes: Cataracts occur as a result of structural changes to protein fibers within the lens. These changes cause part or all of the lens to become cloudy. Cataracts usually develop in both eyes; but generally one eye is more severely affected. If it is in the central part of the lens or in the whole lens, total loss of clarity and detail in vision can result. But it will still be able to detect light and shade.

Congential cataracts occur if the mother had rubella during the first three months of pregnancy or if the infant has galactosemia. This is an inherited inability to properly digest galactose. These cataracts generally do not get worse. Not using milk products at all can help prevent this in adults. Smokers, those who take steroids, and those who have heavy metal poisoning can get cataracts.

Traumatic cataracts result from blows which rupture the anterior lens capsule, harmful chemicals, intense infrared radiation, or X-rays. Radiation causes free-radical damage in the eyes. This causes the lens to absorb aqueous humor. The lens becomes cloudy and must be removed in order to restore eyesight. People living closer to the South Pole are more likely to develop cataracts.

Other causes include hypoparathyroidism, Down's Syndrome, and atopic dermatitis. High blood sugar levels and low calcium levels can also bring it on. Higher blood sugar levels in diabetics and hypoglycemics causes the cells in the lense to absorb large amounts of glucose. This is converted into sorbitol, an insoluble form of sugar. This gradually crystallizes in the ey, forming a cataract. The longer one has diabetes, the greater the risk of cataracts.

Hair dye has been shown to cause cataracts. Only 23% of those not dying their hair got cataracts. Whereas 89% of those who dye their hair develop them.

Complication of tumors, detached retina, iritis, glaucoma, and severe myopia can also bring it on. Other studies reveal that people with stress, allergies, or who eat seafood are more likely to develop cataracts.

It is now known that lack of vitamin C or B2 in the diet over an extended period of time can help produce cataracts.

Cataracts are the most common form of blindness in older people, and should not be ignored when they are beginning to develop.

Natural remedies for cataracts:

  • Obtain adequate rest at night. Do not sit up watching television till late at night. You are tiring your eyes and irradiating them with X-rays at the same time.
  • Eat fruits, vegetables, and the nutrients listed below. Eat whole grains, nuts, and legumes. It is important that you eat a good nutritious diet. Get enough vitamins E, C, B complex (B1 and B2 is very important), selenium, zinc, bioflavonoids, 1-glutamine, 1-arginine, 1-cysteine, and glutathione. If diabetes is involved, add chromium supplementation. Avoid excess cholesterol, sorbitol, unsaturated fatty acids, and mercury tooth fillings. Take a good high-potency multivitamin. It should include at least 50 mg of most of the B vitamins, 15 mg of beta-carotene, 30 mg of zinc, and 200 mcg of selenium. Vitamin C (1,500 mg daily) is extremely important. B2 (200 mg) protects the crystalline lens of the eye. Also helpful: copper (3 mg) with manganese (5 mg) and flaxseed oil (1-2 Tbsp. daily).
  • MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is important for good vision. Take ½ tsp. of the powder, per 100 lbs. body weight once a day.
  • The flavonoid, quercetin, is known to block sorbitol accumulation in the eye. Lipoic acid (15 mg daily) is also recommended by some.
  • Do not drink milk or eat cheese, ice cream, seafood, or grease.
  • Place a drop of honey in the corner of the eye at night. This will help absorb the crystals.
  • Antioxidants prevent cataracts from forming. That which cloudsl the eye is damage for oxidation, caused by free radicals. Antioxidants newtralize free radicals.
  • Sources of antioxidants: The best antioxidants are vitamin A, which you want to get from food in the form of carotenoids, like beta-carotene. Green and yellow fruits and vegetables are full of it. Other antioxidants include vitamins C and E, flavonoids, and selenium. Taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C daily definitely slows cataract formation. Magnesium and manganese are also important in helping antioxidants. One Harvard study found that getting 50 mg of carotenoids every other day will significantly reduce your risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cataracts. Carrot juice is an excellent way to obtain carotenoids and antioxidants.
  • The mint herbs are good antioxidant sources: Catnip, peppermint, and rosemary. Other sources include ginger and turmeric.
  • Subtances such as nicotine, heavy metal poisoning, insecticides, etc., make free radicals and destroy antioxidants in the body. Saturated fats and fried foods also have lots of free radicals. Steroid drugs can induce-cataracts at any age. Avoid aspirin, commercial antihistamines, cortisone.
  • Certain foods contain anthocyanosides, which improve visual aculty: blueberries, huckleberries, cranberries, raspberries, grapes, plums, wild cherries, and bilberries.
  • Papain in papaya helps digest protein. If not digested properly, protein can concentrate in the lens.
  • Exercise early in the morning and avoid long exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight can cause and worsen cataract problems. Sunglasses should be designated Z80.3. Prescription lenses should have a UV-protective film. Tanning booths intensify the risk.
  • Relaxing at times during the day is good for your eyes. Alternative hot and cold showers stimulates circulation and proper hormonal balance.

Dimness Of Vision

Dimness of vision symptoms is when the things are becoming more difficult to see. Less light seems to be entering the eyes.

Causes: Among the most common causes are cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Less frequent causes include macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. Still another cause is retinal detachment. A blood vessel which feeds the retina may be blocked by a blood clot. If this vessel is an artery, loss of vision is sudden. Usually only one eye is affected. An inflamed optic nerve is another possible cause, resulting from infection. This can cause loss of vision within a few days.

Toxic amblyopia is another cause which produces a small hole, in vision, which gradually enlarges.

Natural remedies for dimness of vision:

  • Eat a good, nourishin diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. Take a full multivitamin supplement.
  • Avoid smoky air from tobacco, smoke stacks, or living alongside a highway.

Strabismus (Squint, Crossed Eyes)

Strabismus is a condition in which the eyes are not properly aligned with each other. It typically involves a lack of coordination between the extraocular muscles that prevents bringing the gaze of each eye to the same point in space and preventing proper binocular vision, which may adversely affect depth perception. Strabismus can be either a disorder of the brain coordinating the eyes or a disorder of one or more muscles, as in any process that causes a dysfunction of the usual direction and power of the muscle or muscles. If mild, symptoms occur only when a child is tired. If severe, symptoms are present all the time and may include misalignment of the gaze of one of the eyes. Poor vision on one of the eyes is due to lack of use.

Causes: Only one eye points directly at the object being viewed. This abnormal alignment of the eyes causes the brain to receive conflicting images, which may result in double vision or, in children under the age of 8, suppression of the image from the misaligned eye.

The cause can be inherited, nearsightedness, or farsightedness. But the cause can be structural differences between the muscles controlling eye movements or paralysis of the eye muscles, due to a brain tumor. This is rarely caused by cancer of the eye.

A vision test can be performed and, if the problem suddenly developed, a CT scan may be done to look for a tumor.

Natural remedies for strabismus:

  • Corrective glasses can be given to the child to wear. Or he/she may wewar an eye patch for a period of time each day, to force the weak eye to be used properly. These treatments are usually successful, although the problem can recur.


Entropion is a malposition resulting in inversion of the eyelid margin. The eyelashes turn in, causing irritation to the eyeball. There may be pain in the eye area and a watery eye.

Causes: The eyelid turns inward: and the eyelashes rub against the cornea and the conjunctiva (the white of the eye). Left untreated, the cornea may be damaged, ultimately leading to loss of vision.

The problem mainly affects older people in developing cuntries. Entropion most frequently follows trachoma, which formed scar tissue on the inner surface of the eyelids. Eventually, this shrinks, causing the eyelids to turn inward.

Natural remedies for entropion:

  • Attach one end of a piece of adhesive tape to the skin beneath your lower lashes. Tape the other end to your cheek. Let it remain 3 days. Remove the tape and see if the condition has improved. If not, see an eye doctor immediately.

Bitot's Spots

Bitot's spots are superficial, irregularly-shaped, foamy gray or white patches that appear on the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers most of the eyeball.

Causes: The conjuctiva is the thin membrane which is on top of, and covers, the visible part of the eye. The usual cause is a severe vitamin A deficiency. But being in a smoke-filled room can aggravate the problem.

Natural remedies for bitot's spots:

  • Take 25,000 IU of vitamin A for 2 weeks. Then take 15,000 IU each day for a full month. After that, reduce to 10,000 IU daily. If pregnant, do not take over 10,000 IU daily. Use an emulsion form of the vitamin for improved assimilation. It is also safer at higher doses.
  • Drink 2-3 cups of fresh carrot juice daily. Also eat lots of red and yellow vegetables.
  • Do not remain in a smoky environment.
  • Obtain enough rest, fresh air, and exercise.


Xerophthalmia is a severe drying of the eye surface caused by a malfunction of the tear glands. Also found in people with immune disorders, it occurs most commonly because of decreased intake or absorption of vitamin A. Symptoms include night blindness and eye irritation. In addition to the eyes being very dry, there is a loss of luster on their surface. At later stages, the corneas become soft, with increased opacity.

Causes: This is an infection of the cornea (the transparent part of the eye, through which light passes). The condition is caused by a lack of vitamin A.

If not treated, this disorder leads to chronic infection, night blindness, and/or biotot's spots. The cornea may soften and perforate. Infection may then spread inside the eye, resulting in blindness.

Natural remedies for xerophthalmia:

  • Very large doses of vitamin A are needed. Take 25,000 IU daily until the condition ends. Then reduce to 10,000 IU daily. If pregnant, do not take over 10,000 IU daily. Too much vitamn A can be a problem.
  • Take carotenoids daily: 3 glasses of carrot juice daily, plus eating fresh red and yellow vegetables.
  • Take vitamin B2 (100mg), vitamin B6 (200 mg), vitamin C (1,000 mg), and bioflavonoids (50 mg).
  • Zinc (20 mg daily) is also important.

Ulcerated Eye and Lid (Corneal Ulcer)

A corneal ulcer, or ulcerative keratitis, or eyesore is an inflammatory or more seriously, infective condition of the cornea involving disruption of its epithelial layer with involvement of the corneal stroma. It is a common condition in humans particularly in the tropics and the agrarian societies. Symptoms shows the eye has become inflamed, resulting in an ulcer on the eyeball. The problem may then extend to the eyelid.

Causes: This occurred because the normal covering of the eye was scratched or damaged in someway, and then became infected. The infection is generally caused by a virus. The uler can also be caused by blepharitis.

Natural remedies for corneal ulcer:

  • Obtain adequate rest, improve the diet, and take large doses of vitamin C (2,000 mg, 3 times a day).
  • Apply a warm yellow dock tea poultice to the eyelid. You can also drink it.

Dry Tear Ducts (Dry Eyes)

Dry tear ducts is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture in the eye. Persistent dryness, scratching and burning in your eyes are signs of dry eye syndrome. The eyes seem dry all the time, due to insufficient production of tears.

Causes: There is a small tear duct (lacrimal gland) which keeps each eye moist; yet it does not seem to be working properly. In severe cases, corneal ulcers may develop. Dry eye affects more women than men and is more common over age 35.

Natural remedies for dry eyes:

  • Take vitamin A (25,000 IU) for only several days. Eat lots of green and yellow vegetables and drink carrot juice. A lack of it causes small opening to close down.
  • Include enough essential fatty acids, including omega-3 in your diet (flaxseed oil is an outstanding source), along with more calcium.
  • Do not eat junk, sugar, saturated fat, or precessed foods.
  • Increase water intake.
  • Bathe the eye daily with aloe vera juice.
  • Take a B complex supplement, with extra B2 and zinc.


Chalazion is a cyst in the eyelid that is caused by inflammation of a blocked meibomian gland, usually on the upper eyelid. Chalazions differ from styes (hordeolums) in that they are usually painless apart from the tenderness caused when they swell up, and in size (chalazia tend to be larger than styes). A chalazion may eventually disappear on its own after a few months, though more often than not, some treatment is necessary. This appears to be a sty on the eyelid, but it is not. After several days, the swelling and pain disappears. But a slow growing pea-sized nodule remains on the lid.

Causes: A chalazion is the result of plugged meibomian glands in the eyelid, resulting from a nutritional deficiency.

Natural remedies for chalazion:

  • Take vitamin A in the form of beta carotene (at least 50,000 units per day) for many days. Also drink carrot juice, and eat green and yellow vegetables. Include a zinc supplement in the diet (15 mg, 3 times a day).
  • Apply warm poultices of 3% boric acid on the closed lid. A boric acid ophthalmic ointment may be obtained without prescription from the pharmacy.


Keratomalacia is an eye disorder that leads to a dry cornea. Its symptoms shows the cornea domed clear bulge on the front of the eye. It becomes hazy and dry, and then ulcerated. The eyes feel extremely dry. Blinking increases, but does not seem to properly moisten them. Conjunctivitis and night blindness occurs.

Fat-like spots (Bitot's spots) appear on the sclera (white of the eye). These are white, foamy, elevated, and sharply outlined patches on the whites of the eyes.

Causes: "Xerophthalmia" means dryness of the eye. It occurs mainly in developing countries. The condition is caused by a dietary deficiency of vitamin A. Left untreated, it leads to chronic infection and the cornea (the transparent part of the front of the eye) may soften and perforate. If that happens, infection can spread inside the eye and blindness may result. Not artificial, but large doses of vitamin A is the solution.

Natural remedies for keratomalacia:

  • Take vitamin A in the form of carotene (25,000 IU for children and at least 50,000 IU for adults) per day. Increase the amount of zinc and protein consumption, and improve the general nutrition. Take a vitamin / mineral supplement twice daily.
  • Bitot's spots are caused by a vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin D and adequate protein are also needed.
  • Avoid eyestrain and smoke-filled rooms.

Sty (Hordeolum, Stye)

Stye is an infection of the sebaceous glands of Zeis at the base of the eyelashes, or an infection of the apocrine sweat glands of Moll. External styes form on the outside of the lids and can be seen as small red bumps. Internal styes are infections of the meibomiam sebacious glands lining the inside of the eyelids. They also cause a red bump underneath the lid with only generalized redness and swelling visible on the outside. Styes are similar to chalazia, but tend to be of smaller size and feel much more painful and usually produce no lasting damage. It appears to be a small pimple develops on the eyelid.

A sty is a bacterial infection of an eyelash follicle. It causes a pusfilled bump to form on either the inside or outside of the eyelid. An oil gland has become infected, inflaming the tissues of the eyelid. The pimple grows for a week or so and then usually subsides, sometimes rupturing spontaneously as it heals.

Some people never get sties. Other frequently get them. Adolescent girls get them from incomplete removal of eye makeup. Any eye cosmetics used before getting a sty should be discarded. Mascara that is kept longer than 3 months develops bacterial growth.

Natural remedies for sties:

  • Do not delay solving this problem. If it does not quickly heal, it may need to be drained by a professional. Do not squeeze the lump. This may spread the infection more widely. Sties can be dangerous. So do not be casual about them.
  • Because you were not drinking enough water, eyelid secretions did not remain thin. Frequently wash your hands and keep them clean. Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands or fingers. Each peson should have his own towel and washcloth. They should be washed daily if a person has a sty.
  • Take adequate vitamin A. But take more, if you frequently have sties. Because too much vitamin A (from supplements ) can cause problems, you would do well to get your vitamin A from carotene. Green and yellow vegetables and carrot juice are rich in carotene. Go on a 5-day fruit fast, plus carrot and celery juice. Keep the bowels clean with an enema every morning.
  • Do not eat refined, fried, and processed foods. Also do not eat meats, unsaturated oils, salt, alcohol, tobacco, dairy products, or white flour.
  • Carrots, which are chopped and diced, or mashed potatoes (raw or cooked) can be made into a poultice and applied over the area. They can be left on for an hour and repeated 3 times a day.
  • Hot compresses on the area are sometimes recommended. But keep in mind that it was very hot compress which blinded young Fanny Crosby. Instead, hold a warm, moist cloth against the affected eye. This will hasten drainage.
  • Very warm compresses, alternated with cold, will help draw the pus to a head and then break it open.
  • Drink 3 cups of goldenseal tea or eyebright to help clean the liver. Fennel or myrrh may be substituted.
  • Apply concentrated thyme tea directly to the sty with a cotton swab. Thyme is rich in thymol, an antiseptic.
  • Take echinacea orally. It is a powerful antibiotic. It has anti-bacterial properties.
  • A German treatment for sties is to place a very warm compress of chamomile tea on the sty.
  • Swallow as much chopped garlic as you are able. It goes to work in the body to kill the staphylococci in the sty.
  • If the itself becomes infected, add ½ tsp. salt to 8 oz. water and apply as an eyewash to the eye.
  • After the sty drains, compresses should be continued until all drainage ceases.


Amblyopia also known as lazy eye, is a disorder of the visual system that is characterized by poor or indistinct vision in an eye that is otherwise physically normal, or out of proportion to associated structural abnormalities. This condition exists when the eyes do not seem to focus clearly on anything, near or far. It can be serious to constitute a type of blindness.

Causes: This is blurry or absent vision in an eye that is structurally normal. It occurs in young children if the two eyes send different images to the brain. If the problem is not solved by the age of 5, later attempts to correct vision will fail. This is because the brain will disconnect the vision from one of the eyes. Misalignment of the gaze of the eyes is the most common cause. Other causes include vision disorders in one eye, such as astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness.

Natural remedies for amblyopia:

  • Lack of vitamins B1, and B12 appears to be a primary cause. Smoke from cigarettes and cigars is another important cause.
  • Take B12 intermuscularly (1,000 mcg / day for total of 20,000 mcg). This will often solve the problem, along with an adequate supply of vitamin D and calcium.
  • Get tobacco out of your house and office.

Night Blindness

Night blindness (nyctalopia) is the inability to see well at night or in poor light.

Symptoms: You do not see as clearly in the dark as do others. When you go out into the dark, your eyes seem to adapt very slowly to it.

Causes: There are two types of light-sensitive cells in the retina: rods and cones. Up to 120 million rods are distributed throughout the retina. Although rods are sensitive to all visible light, they contain only one type of pigment and cnanot distinguish colors. They are responsible mainly for night vision.

If you have this problem, you are not going blind. The primary problem is a lack of vitamin A, which the gody uses to make visual purple and to help you usee in the dark.

The lack of vitamin A in the system can be caused by an inferior diet. But it may also be traced to one of the following: The body has a fat malabsorption syndrome and does not properly absorb oil-soluble vitamins. A zinc deficiency will cause the liver to poorly convert carotene to vitamin A. Cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and various food allergies can produce intestinal changes which would affect fat-soluble vitamin absorption.

Natural remedies for night blindness:

  • Make sure you are getting enough vitamin A. The therapeutic dose would be 25,000 IU daily for only a few days. Too much vitamin A can be dangerous.
  • The safer form of vitamin A is carotenoids, such as beta or marine carotene (up to 100,000 IU daily). Drink 3 cups of carrot juice every day. Eat green and yellow vegetables.
  • Take 15-20 mg of zinc daily.
  • Some people wear a stronger prescription of glasses when they must drive at night. Keep the headlights and windshield clean. Do not wear sunglasses at dusk. Drive slower at night. Better yet, only drive during the day.
  • Take bilberry extract capsules or liquid, PCOs from grapeseed or white pine (100 mg, 3 times daily), and coQ10 (60 mg, 3 times daily).

Color Blindness

Color blindness is the inability to perceive differences between some of the colors that others can distinguish. It is most often of genetic nature, but may also occur because of eye, nerve, or brain damage, or due to exposure to certain chemicals.

Symptoms: The reduced ability to tell certain colors apart.

Cause: There are six million cones in each retina which provide detailed and color vision. There are three types of these cone cells, one is sensitive to blue light, another to green, and the third to red light. If one or more of these three types of cones are faulty, color blindness results. In one type of inherited color blindness, a color-blind father passes his recessive genes on to his daughters who are not color blind. But their sons may inherit color blindness. In another type, both males and females can inherit it equally.

Other cause include macular degeneration and several other eye disorders. The toxic effects of various drugs, including chloroquine (used for malaria) can also cause it. If the condition is caused by eye diseases or drugs, the color blindness can be alieviated to some extent.

Natural remedies for color blindness:

  • Take 5,000 units of vitamin A daily and 25,000 IU of carotene.


Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects in the distance clearly, but objects nearby may be blurry. The degree of your farsightedness determines your focusing ability. People with severe farsightedness see clearly only objects a great distance away, while those with mild farsightedness may see clearly objects that are closer. Farsightedness usually is present at birth and tends to run in families. A basic eye exam can confirm farsightedness. You can easily correct this condition with eyeglasses or contact lenses. Another treatment option is surgery.

Symptoms: A person's distance vision is good, but his near vision is blurry.

Cause: The six muscles pulling on the eye do not function properly or the eyeball is abnormally short. As a result, light rays focus behind the back wall of the eyeball, which is the retina.

Natural remedies for farsightedness:

  • Maintain a nourishing diet which includes a vitamin/mineral supplement. Be sure you are daily obtaining the entire B complex, especially B6. Calcium is also important.
  • Do not strain the eyes. If they seem tired or unable to focus properly, rest them from time to time. Straining the eyes hoping that it will help you see better, only aggravates the problem.


Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry. The degree of your nearsightedness determines your focusing ability. People with severe nearsightedness can see clearly only objects just a few inches away, while those with mild nearsightedness may clearly see objects several yards away. Nearsightedness may develop gradually or rapidly, often worsening during childhood and adolescence. Nearsightedness tends to run in families.

Symptoms: A person only clearly sees those things which are close up.

Cause: Light is focusing in front of the retina insetad of on it.

Natural remedies for nearsightedness:

  • Every so often, rest your eyes by looking at something at a distance in the sky.
  • Vitamin D (1,000 IU daily) and calcium citrate tablets or powder. Take vitamin C (5,000 mg daily).
  • Do not strain the eyes, thinking that it will help you improve your eyesight. Doing so only weakens the delicate muscles and will result in still more vision problems. Ignore these "better sight without glasses" theories which tell you to strain your eyes in order to improve your vision.

Corneal Abrasion

Symptoms: A scratch on the surface of the cornea, which is the transparent front part of the eye. Symptoms usually occur suddenly and may include blurry vision, redness, watering of the eye, severe pain in the eye, frequent blinking, and sensitivity to bright light.

Cause: The cause could be a scrape by the edge of a newspaper or by a foreign particle such as a speck of dirt. Those who wear soft contact lenses and rub their eyes excessively are particularly at risk of such damage, because tiny particles can become stuck behind the lenses and scratch the surface of the cornea.

The problem is generally not serious, unless the abrasion becomes infected and a corneal ulcer may develop. A herpes simplex infection can cause that ulcer.

A corneal abrasion usually takes only a few days to heal, if the eys is closed and remained covered shut for 2 days.

Natural remedies for Corneal Abrasion:

  • Improve your diet, take vitamin c (5,000 mg, 3 times a day). Drink eyebright tea. Take echinacea tea.
  • If home remedies do not solve the problem within a few days, visit an eye doctor.

Black Eye

Symptoms: The area around the eye turns black, following a blow to it. It is caused by blood tends to pool around the delicate eyeball, in order to hasten healing.

Natural remedies for Black Eye:

  • Boxing trainers deal with black eyes all the time. They apply an extremely cold piece of iron (something like a small tire iron) to the area. This reduces the swelling. An alternative is to hold a clean, cold soda can against the check (but not against the eye itself) for several minutes. Do not place any pressure on the eye itself. Or, to constrict the swelling, apply cold compresses to the area.
  • Do not take aspirin. Because it is an anticoagulant, the blood will not clot as well. Instead, the bleeding will continue longer.
  • Do not blow your nose. If you received a severe strike, blowing your nose could cause blood vessels to burst beneath the skin in a much wider area. Sometimes the injury fractures the eye-socket bone. And blowing your nose could force air out of your sinus adjacent to the socket. The air is injected under the skin, making the eyelids swell even more. This can increase the likelihood of infection.
  • There is always the danger that there may be internal bleeding. So you may want to visit an ophthalmologist.

Itchy Eyes

Symptoms: The eyes seems to be tired and itchy. This may can be cause by enervation, poor diet, alck of rest, anxiety, eyestrain, or neglected eye problems.

Natural remedies for Itchy Eyes:

  • Do not overwork or overeat. Eat a nutritious diet. Get enough rest at night.
  • The diet should include the entire B complex, with an emphasis on B6. Be sure your diet includes adequate calcium.
  • Do not strain the eyes.
  • Eyebright is a good herb for the eyes.
  • Do not rub your eyes. Instead, apply warm or cool compresses to your closed eye to soothe the itch.
  • Do not share tissues, handkerchiefs, or towels with anyone else.
  • Do not place a patch over the itching eyes. Then bacteria can increase and cause even more serious problems.

Puffy Eyes

Symptoms shows that a small area beneath each eye appears puffy. It looks like there are bags under the eyes. This can cause by liver and/or kidneys are being overworked and undernourished.

Natural remedies for puffy eyes:

  • Do not drink liquor or use tobacco.
  • Limit salt intake. Avoid monosodium glutamate (MSG).
  • Improve your diet by switching to nutritious food: fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.
  • Greasy, processed, and junk food may seem to be nice because you can get it so quick. But the undernourishment it is causing is wearing out your body.
  • Caffeine products only whip the tired horse. Instead, get the proper rest you need each night.
  • Avoid doing work which requires you to bend over. This intensifies the bags under your eyes. Sleep on your back.
  • Wrap ice cubes in cloth and apply to the area for quick relief.
  • Avoid drinking fluids before bed.

Red Eyes or Bloodshot Eyes

Cause: The sclera is the white of the eye, forming the outer coat of the eyeball. There are tiny blood vessels on the surface of the sclera, which can become congested with blood, due to an insufficient supply of oxygen. Causes include eyestrain, fatigue, dust, pollen allergies, bright sunshine, cigarette smoke, other irritants, overwork, and staying up late at night. Drinking alcohol is a special cause. Bloodshot eyes can also mean capillary fragility throughout the body. High blood pressure or a lack of certain vitamins and amino acids may be the cause of that.

Natural remedies for Red Eyes:

  • Improve your diet; take vitamin A (5,000 mg daily), B2 (100 mg), B6 (100 mg), and the three amino acids: lysine, histidine, and phenylalanine. If you are eating a nutritious diet of fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts, you should be getting the needed vitamins and amino acids.
  • Get more rest at night. Pause and rest a little more during the day.
  • Do not use "drops" from the pharmacy. They have an agent in them that constricts the blood bessels. This may make your whites look whiter for a awhile, but no problems have been solved. Do not tinker with your precious eyes. When the drops wear off in a couple hours, the redness generally appears redder than before.
  • Lay a cool, wet washcloth over your closed eye. The cold constricts the blood vessels naturally and the moisture helps your eyes.
  • Be sure and drink enough water, so you will have an adequate amount of fluid in your tear ducts.
  • If the eyes are red when you wake up, the problem may be that you have a low-grade infection of the eyelids. Treat it by washing your eyes with warm water at night before retiring.
  • Any problem in the eyes should be taken seriously. Infection can be treated with a small amount of boric acid mixed with sterile water.
  • Helpful herbs include eyebright, fennel, and cornflower. Eyebright is remarkably helpful for a number of eye conditions.

The Yellow Eyes

Symptoms shows the whites of the eye (sclera) have a yellow hue.It is caused by the bile duct system that develops a blockage which may be caused by gallstones, tumors, or hepatitis. Red blood cells may also be destroyed in the process.

Natural Remedies for Yellow Eyes:

  • The cause of the obstruction must be determined and treated. Treatment of jaundice includes ultraviolet light exposure in order to increase eliminatin and liver flush. For 3 days, drink apple juice, followed by a cup of olive oil and a cup of lemon juice. Also Obtain vitamins C, A, and E. This large amount of olive dilates the bile ducts, so the stones can be ejected. This need only be done once to solve the problem.

Remedy for Mucus in the Eye

Mucus in the eye symptoms is the eyes seems filled with mucus just as how its name sounds. It may be caused by a combination of an inadequate diet, poor working conditions, and an airborne infections.

The Natural Remedies for this are:

  • Improve the diet and take a vitamin / mineral supplement twice a day. Obtain adequate rest. Work in a clear and clean environment that is not overly dusty.
  • Wash each eye with goldenseal root tea. But do not use goldenseal in large amounts if pregnant.

Computer Eyestrain

Do you have tired, dry, or burning sensation in the eyes after working before a computer monitor for several hours? If you do, then you have a computer eyestrain. There are ways to continue in such work, without damaging your eyesight.

Here are several suggestions to help you protect as you work very long with computers:

  • Try to keep the screen two feet from your eyes.
  • Place the screen so that your line of sight is 10°-15° (about one third of a 45° angle) below the point on the screen where you tend to look at.
  • Do not work with a screen which is dull, blurred, or flickers. Find the cause and elimintae it or call in a technician. Vibration from a nearby fan may cause the flickering. Move it farther away.
  • The lower part (near view) of bifocals are located for looking down, not straight ahead. So you mayu need single (not bifocal) lenses for computer work.
  • Reduce glare. Do not have overhead lights or windows reflecting into the screen.
  • Blink often to keep your eyes from drying out.
  • Try to arrange your paperwork so that it is set at an angle, nearly the same height as the screen and closeto thae same distance from your eyes as the screen.
  • Dust the screen occasionally. Static electricity tends to coat it with dust.
  • Take 5-10 minute breaks every hour.
  • Use a glare-reduction filter approved by the Optometric Association.
  • An active-matrix LCD flat display is sharper and brighter than a CRT-based display screen.


Influenza, commonly known as "the flu," is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. Symptoms shows prostration, fever, chills, sore throat, headache, aching behind the eyes with the sensitivity to light, abdominal pain, hoarseness, cough, enlarged lymph nodes, aching of the back and limbs, and frequent vomiting and diarrhea. The person feels cold and shaky, but is sweating. Serious complications such as pneumonia, sinus infections, and ear infections, can develop.

Its earliest signs are similar to those for the common cold: weakness, headache, and aching in the arms, legs, and back. He may feel feverish, and then chilly. It also brings on a dry throath, cough, and extreme weariness.

The flu is easily spread by sneezing and coughing. Individual strains continually change, so vaccines are not very successful.

There are three main types of flu: Type A, Type B, and Type C. Type A the most common known type of flu. All are airborne and most frequently spread by droplets (coughing, sneezing, kissing, and sharing drinking glasses and towels)

Because it is a viral infection, influenza may appear suddenly after an incubation of only 1 to 3 days (most frequently 48 hours after exposure). So begin treating it as soon as you can. The quicker you start treating a physical problem the easier and more quickly it can be eliminated. After 2-3 days, the fever usually subsides; and, if cared for properly, the other acute symptoms rapidly diminish. But the cough, weakness, and fatigue may persist for several days or weeks.

There are natural remedies available for treating flu:

  • Take an enema at the first symptom. For fever, take catnip tea enemas, plus a ¼ to ½ teaspoon of lobelia tincture every 3-4 hours until the fever drops.
  • Give fluids (fruit juices, vegetable soups) to replace fuild and electrolytes lost through sweating, diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Dink at least 10 glasses of water a day, to keep lung secretions thin. Give vitamin c, to bowel tolerance (3,000 mg or more, spaced throughout the day). Also vitamin A (25,000 IU for 1 week) and B complex. Vitamin A protects the lining of the throat (best to take it in the form of carotenes: carrot juice and green and yellow vegetables.) zinc (15 mg, three times daily).
  • Do not take anti biotics, for they have no effect on the flu virus. Do not smoke, drink liquor use coffee, or eat junk food.
  • Take echinacea and goldenseal, because flu can lead to secondary bacterial pneumonia.
  • Eucalyptus oil vapors are also good.
  • A useful herb is slippery elm bark powder (1 tablespoon) mixed with boiling water (1 quart) and honey (half cup). Put in a jar and give one teaspoon every 3-4 hours for cough and sore throat.
  • Gargle with salt water, to help relieve the sore throat (1 teaspoon salt in 1 pint of warm water). Soak the feet in hot water, to ease a headache or nasal congestion. Occasionally breathe deeply in and out, to refresh and stregthen the lungs and remove wastes.
  • Humidify the air in the room. Make sure the air is warm, but also has a current of air to keep it oxygenated. But it should not be drafty. (A draft on the patient is defined as occurring when the skin becomes cooler than the forehead or the patient is not comftable.) Keep warm, close-fitted bed clothes. Back rubs may be given, to increase comfort.
  • Helpful herbs include cinchona bark, ginger, eucalyptus, slippery elm, sea buckthorn, yarrow, white willow, and wormwood.
  • Another flu remedy is to place 1 oz. each of peppermint leaves and elder flowers in a pan. Pour ½ pint boiling water over these herbs, cover tightly, and keep warm on stove for 15 minutes; strain and cover immediately to keep warm. Take 1 teacupful every 30-45 minutes until there is perspiration; then 2 Tbsp. every 1-2 hours. (For children, give smaller doses and sweeten.) This tea taken how will break down congestions and equalize circulation. (Or substitute pennyroyal and elder flowers instead of the above two herbs.)
  • Pour boiling water over a handful each of wormwood, sage, alpine speedwell, and licorice root. Steep for 30 minutes; then take a spoonful every half hour or sip it morning and evening. Recovery time is usually 2 days.
  • Boil a 5-inch piece of fresh ginger (from the health-food store) in 2 cups water for 5-10 minutes. Drink a cup every 2-3 hours until the flu is gone. It will relieve nasal congestion, improve blood flow, help eliminate chills and aches, and reduce sore throat pain.
  • When it's time to make the transition from liquids to food, emphasize bland, starchy foods. This would include dry toast (so it will be chewed better), bananas, applesauce, boiled rice, cooked cereal, and baked potatoes. Eat lightly and carefully.
  • Water therapy: Take a 5-minute hot shower. Quickly dry. Then place a large towel in cold water, wring it out, and wrap it around your body from your armpits to your groin. Put plastic around that. Crawl into bed under a wool blanket and stay there for 20 minutes or until warmed. Do this 102 times daily.
Be careful; influenza is sometimes fatal, especially for children and the elderly. Those who are not hardy and are poorly nourished are especially susceptible. If you have respiratory ailments like asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, etc. , solve it as soon as possible. One thing can lead to another till you are prostrated with sickness. The flu can often lead to ear infections, pneumonia, and sinus infection.

Children who frequently come down with the flu should be checked for hypothyroidism. Check his temperature under the arm with thermometer.

A case of flu is becoming more serious if the voice becomes hoarse, he develops pains in his chest, he has difficulty breathing, or he starts bringing up yellow- or green-colored phlegm. It may be best to see a phycician, if this has not already been done.

Viral Infections

Fever, muscular aches, joint aches, chills, and headaches are the symptoms of viral infections. Viruses can be especially serious. Viral infections include the common cold, measles, chicken pox, mumps, influenza, tonsilitis, croup, infectious hepatitis, mononucleosis, spinal meningitis, asthma, and certain bladder infections.

Antibiotics fight bacterial invasion, but are useless against viral infections. There are few antiviral medications which are useful. The body uses the same variety of powerful defenses - to resist and overcome both bacterial and viral crises. Trouble begins when the invaders are strong and many, and the body is in a weakened condition. To prevent this, keep yourself in good health. Get enough rest, exercise in the open air, and maintain a balanced, nourishing diet.

If you have a viral infection here are the natural remedies available:

  • Vitamin C (2,000 mg) and vitamin B6 (200 mg) are especially helpful. Also see the rather complete list of suggestions under Common Cold (222).
  • Vitamin A (10,000 IU) is a powerful antioxidant and free radical eliminator. Vitamin B complex and selenium (500 - 1,000 mcg/day) are other effetive agentis.
  • Vitamin C (2,000 - 10,000 mg daily, in divided doses) works in the white blood cells, to produce a powerful antiviral task force.
  • Zinc (30 mg daily) is also important in adding to the body's own immune functions.
  • Helpful herbs include goldenseal, garlic, chinacea, and red raspberry.
  • Drinking enough water is also important.

How To Fall Asleep When We Needed It Most

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your mental and physical health. Everyone has trouble falling asleep sometimes, and up to 15 percent of the population has chronic insomnia. If you are counting lambs before bedtime here are some tips for you to help you fall asleep.

Teach your body to fall asleep by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Sticking to a regular schedule helps you fall asleep by keeping you in sync with your own circadian rhythm, a kind of internal 24-hour body clock that is affected by light and dark. Getting some natural light every afternoon will also help you keep your rhythm and help you fall asleep.

Exercise regularly and at the right time. Regular exercise can reduce tension and anxiety, which will help you fall asleep and improve the quality of your sleep, but be sure to finish exercising at least three hours before your bedtime.

Watch what you eat and drink. Drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages late in the day are likely to make it harder to fall asleep when you’re ready. If you like a snack before bed, try a warm drink (without alcohol or caffeine) and a few crackers. Remember that hot chocolate has caffeine, too. According to the Mayo Clinic, what you eat especially what you have for dinner and as a late-night snack can help you catch the sleep you need. But it's not as simple as drinking a warm glass of milk which has no evidence of helping you drift off. But the experts there do think that having a small snack a few hours before bed time can help you get to sleep and make it through the night. Doctors there suggest a small bowl of oatmeal or cereal, or yogurt with granola. The Mayo Clinic says that a large meal or spicy foods too close to bed time can make it too uncomfortable to get too sleep. More than anything, it says to stop drinking caffeine eight hours before you plan to go to sleep. says that one thing you should look for in an evening snack is food with tryptophan. The site says that amino acid helps calm the brain, and high-carb foods help clear other acids that compete with tryptophan. Good foods, according to the site, include dairy products such as cottage cheese, cheese and milk. It also suggests, among many others, almonds, bananas, whole grains, beans, otalmeal, hazel nuts, avocado and eggs.

If you're planning your dinner with an eye toward getting to bed on time later, says you need meals that are high in carbs and low in protein. Those help you relax through the evening and set you up for slumber. Some balanced meals include pasta with parmesan cheese, scrambled eggs with cheese, tofu stirfy, hummus with whole-wheat pita. But if you don't plan ahead, you can try warm milk despite what the Mayo Clinic says. WCCO-TV reported that since the milk is a dairy product with high tryptophan, it could encourage melatonin and serotonin in your brain, helping you to fall asleep.

Create a safe and comfortable sleeping environment. To help you fall asleep, your bedroom should be dark, with good ventilation, and as quiet as you can make it. Do the same things every night before you go to bed. Following a bedtime routine sends a silent signal to your brain and body that it is time to wind down and fall asleep. Avoid any distractions that make it harder to fall asleep. If you’re still awake 15 minutes after you turn out the light, get up and do something that will make you drowsy. After 20 minutes go back to bed and try again.

To help yourself fall asleep faster, try not to let yourself worry or replay your day at bedtime. And don’t panic if you can't fall asleep, because any kind of mental fretting will only make it harder to fall asleep. Instead, do something, like reading that will refocus your thoughts and make drowsy.

Teach yourself to fall asleep, sleep well, have sweet dreams, and wake up with a healthy new morning.

Treatment for Common Cold

Put the person whether a young child or an adult to bed right away. Do not feed a cold, instead give an enema. A purgative or laxative may take as long as 10 hours before the cleansing effects occur but an enema will do it in just 10 minutes. During that 10 hours, much toxic absorption from the bowels into the bloodstream can take place.

Follow the enema with a heat application of one or two heating pads or an electric blanket, to warm up the body parts which are chilled. Cold feet and hands are often found in people with a "heat cold." They removes excessive amounts of blood from the congested head and chest areas. Turn the heat down only to the degree that the limbs become warmed.

Give him some fruit juice with water (from half a grapefruit in half a glass of cold water or juice of half a lemon in half a gloass of cold or hot water, unsweetened). Do not give him food, milk, coffee, regular tea, etc. The body cannot properly digest even good food, much less junk food, while fighting an infectious inflammation. One to 3 days on lemon juice and/or grapefruit juice and water is quite safe.

Give only fruit juice and water until the nose has ceased to discharge watery or thick material. Keep him in bed and quiet.

If a headache is present, place a cold moist towel or icebag on the forehead or on top of the head. When the headache is caused by congestion and nerve strain, it will clear up quickly without any medicines if the person is allowed to rest quietly in bed, even if he cannot sleep.

Diet during this recovery period will depend on the person's weight and apetite. It is always safe to give a raw fruit diet for several days: lemonade that is sweetened with honey and raw fruits for breakfast, dinner, and supper.

After 3 days on fruit diet, the noon and evening meal may include steamed vegetables and a small raw salad with some baked potato. Chew it well.

By this time, the bowells should be moving normally and enemas are no longer needed. The cold will have been eliminated without the use of drugs.

If you do not know how to take care of yourself, you had better contact a physician, especially if: (1) chills and shortness fo breath occur. (2) An accompanying fever goes above 101°F. (3) Yellow or white spots appear in the throat. (4) The lymph nodes under the jaw and in the neck become enlarged. (5) Any hot, extreme pain, such as earache, swollen tonsils, sinus pain, or aching lungs or chest occur. (6) There is excessively large amounts of sputum that is greenish or bloody. (7) There is extreme difficulty when swallowing. (8) Wheezing occurs. (9) There is shortness in breath.

If you have sore throat, beware of white or yellow patcheson the thraot. These can be Group A betahemolytic streptococci, which can damage the heart muscle. Have a throat swab done when there might be a question about this.

Children with high fevers should see a physician within 24 hours.

Common Cold

Colds are one of the most common illnesses to affect people. Colds are general inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages. Symptoms include nose and throat irritations, watery eyes, fever, headaches, chills, muscle aches, and temporary loss of smell and taste. A heavy cold may take the form of acute or chronic infection such as grippe, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchial catarrh, chronic cold, or a similar virus-type infection.


  1. Variety of viruses that can involve the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Lowered body resistance to virus infection due to overexposure to cold, fatigue, recent of present infections, lack of rest, allergic reactions, inhalation of irritating dust or gas, overeating, sugar consumption, and wrong eating.
The common cold is not a disease or an infection that leaps out and attacks an innocent passerby. A cold is the cure of pre-diseased condition. The symptoms are attempts of by the body to reestablish normal conditions. The body is carrying out a "spring cleaning." A cold is the result of not living on the best level. Once it arrives, it cleanses toxins from the system and along with the rest, enables the persno to get back into better shape.

The cold virus can change size and shape, making it impossible to produce a suitable vaccine. There are more than 100 different viruses which may cause colds. Symptoms last for 7-14 days, regardless of therapy. The incubation period is very short (1-3 days) instead of the 10-21 days for most viruses. The cold seems to suddenly appear.

A cold is always in the upper respiratory tract (nose, mouth,throat, and upper bronchials). If congestion develops in the chest, the cold is worsening into something far more serious level.

Treat yourself when a tingling nose and throat, nasal mucous, or scratchy throat starts and don't wait for the coughing, weakness, and fever to begin.