Common Cold

Colds are one of the most common illnesses to affect people. Colds are general inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages. Symptoms include nose and throat irritations, watery eyes, fever, headaches, chills, muscle aches, and temporary loss of smell and taste. A heavy cold may take the form of acute or chronic infection such as grippe, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchial catarrh, chronic cold, or a similar virus-type infection.


  1. Variety of viruses that can involve the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Lowered body resistance to virus infection due to overexposure to cold, fatigue, recent of present infections, lack of rest, allergic reactions, inhalation of irritating dust or gas, overeating, sugar consumption, and wrong eating.
The common cold is not a disease or an infection that leaps out and attacks an innocent passerby. A cold is the cure of pre-diseased condition. The symptoms are attempts of by the body to reestablish normal conditions. The body is carrying out a "spring cleaning." A cold is the result of not living on the best level. Once it arrives, it cleanses toxins from the system and along with the rest, enables the persno to get back into better shape.

The cold virus can change size and shape, making it impossible to produce a suitable vaccine. There are more than 100 different viruses which may cause colds. Symptoms last for 7-14 days, regardless of therapy. The incubation period is very short (1-3 days) instead of the 10-21 days for most viruses. The cold seems to suddenly appear.

A cold is always in the upper respiratory tract (nose, mouth,throat, and upper bronchials). If congestion develops in the chest, the cold is worsening into something far more serious level.

Treat yourself when a tingling nose and throat, nasal mucous, or scratchy throat starts and don't wait for the coughing, weakness, and fever to begin.