Treatment for Common Cold

Put the person whether a young child or an adult to bed right away. Do not feed a cold, instead give an enema. A purgative or laxative may take as long as 10 hours before the cleansing effects occur but an enema will do it in just 10 minutes. During that 10 hours, much toxic absorption from the bowels into the bloodstream can take place.

Follow the enema with a heat application of one or two heating pads or an electric blanket, to warm up the body parts which are chilled. Cold feet and hands are often found in people with a "heat cold." They removes excessive amounts of blood from the congested head and chest areas. Turn the heat down only to the degree that the limbs become warmed.

Give him some fruit juice with water (from half a grapefruit in half a glass of cold water or juice of half a lemon in half a gloass of cold or hot water, unsweetened). Do not give him food, milk, coffee, regular tea, etc. The body cannot properly digest even good food, much less junk food, while fighting an infectious inflammation. One to 3 days on lemon juice and/or grapefruit juice and water is quite safe.

Give only fruit juice and water until the nose has ceased to discharge watery or thick material. Keep him in bed and quiet.

If a headache is present, place a cold moist towel or icebag on the forehead or on top of the head. When the headache is caused by congestion and nerve strain, it will clear up quickly without any medicines if the person is allowed to rest quietly in bed, even if he cannot sleep.

Diet during this recovery period will depend on the person's weight and apetite. It is always safe to give a raw fruit diet for several days: lemonade that is sweetened with honey and raw fruits for breakfast, dinner, and supper.

After 3 days on fruit diet, the noon and evening meal may include steamed vegetables and a small raw salad with some baked potato. Chew it well.

By this time, the bowells should be moving normally and enemas are no longer needed. The cold will have been eliminated without the use of drugs.

If you do not know how to take care of yourself, you had better contact a physician, especially if: (1) chills and shortness fo breath occur. (2) An accompanying fever goes above 101°F. (3) Yellow or white spots appear in the throat. (4) The lymph nodes under the jaw and in the neck become enlarged. (5) Any hot, extreme pain, such as earache, swollen tonsils, sinus pain, or aching lungs or chest occur. (6) There is excessively large amounts of sputum that is greenish or bloody. (7) There is extreme difficulty when swallowing. (8) Wheezing occurs. (9) There is shortness in breath.

If you have sore throat, beware of white or yellow patcheson the thraot. These can be Group A betahemolytic streptococci, which can damage the heart muscle. Have a throat swab done when there might be a question about this.

Children with high fevers should see a physician within 24 hours.